My body is beaten. I've lost a lot of fights. I take a lot of care in how I treat it as a result.
For a few years I did yoga every day, then I lost a fight I deserved to lose and had to run to safety and get sober.
There have been times since when I haven't done yoga every day since then, and they're always the most detrimental to my health.
When I do yoga everyday, I eat better and I get more exercise. That's a huge factor of health, eat better and exercise safely.
Breathing, moving, communicating, exercising, the fabric of the universe. Everything runs on a rhythm. Rhythms of tension and release.
Singing and dancing classes gave me perspective into how the flow of tension and release effects every sound and movement we make.
Too much tension you'll get exhausted. In theory too much release and you'll get sloppy. I've yet to find too much softness or relaxation to confirm. Testing my limits safely in both directions has taught me much.
I currently operate with the expectation the world will supply me with all the tension I could ever need and my time is best spent seeking relaxation and softness. This way I have a reserve of energy to effectively apply tension where it is needed
In my experience finding softness within myself is the only part of the rhythm of tension and release I must actively cultivate, the rest comes naturally.